Payment Deadline Extension

Hi family!

The deadline for monies due for the dinner and picnic has been extended to July 10th. Please RSVP via eventbrite (links can be found on the right side of this blog from the home page), and mail your payment to:

Emma Belle

4118 Hunters Hill Circle

Randallstown MD 21133

You may also pay via paypal to

Fee info may be found under the registration tab.

See you soon!

Have you mailed in your payment yet?

Dear Family,

The reunion is less than two months away!

Many of you have registered for the reunion, but only a few have registered for the actual events such as the banquet and The Capitol Steps. Please note we need a head count for each event so we know how much food to have prepared, and how many tickets we’ll need to reserve.

*If you still need to register, please do so on the right side of the blog. 

Also, please send your payment in to Emma Belle ASAP! She’s thus far only collected payment from a very small percentage of those who have registered.

Please send your payment to:

Emma Belle
4118 Hunters Hill Circle
Randallstown, MD 21133

Checks should be made out to Emma Belle, with a notation in the memo line: Bond Family Reunion. Pease also notate which event(s) you are paying for and how many tickets.


May 20th will be here in just a few days. Have you sent your money in for the banquet (Adult $55 / Child $20) and for Capitol Steps ($35)?

After the 20th the fee for the banquet will increase by $10 per adult ticket.

As for The Capitol Steps, we need to make a reservation in order to get the group rate so if you plan to attend, please put your check in the mail ASAP!

Payments should be mailed to:
Emma Belle
4118 Hunters Hill Circle
Randallstown, MD 21133

Checks should be made out to Emma Belle, with a notation in the memo line: Bond Family Reunion. Please also notate which event(s) you are paying for.

Bond rate rooms sold out at The Normandy Hotel

Greetings family,

So far we’ve received a great response for our reunion this year! That being said, the number of allotted ‘Bond rate’ rooms has sold out at the Normandy hotel. Below is a list of neighboring hotels. Please click on them for price and booking information.

FYI: You may still book with the Normandy Hotel, however, you will be charged their regular rates. They are quickly booking up for our reunion dates so please act fast.

Don’t forget to register for the reunion if you have not already done so by clicking on the register button on the right hand side of this blog. Also, if you’re interested in the different events we have planned, you’ll have to register for those separately. Payment is due for the banquet and Capitol Steps by May 20th.

Please see ‘Itinerary’ section for details about the events and how to pay.

Registration for planned events and payments

Greetings Family!!

Our family reunion is only three months away! You can now register for the different events that we have planned, as well as send your payments in. We will need you to register for each event you plan to attend by clicking them on the right side of this blog. To register for the banquet, click on the ‘next’ tab.
Payments should be mailed to:
Emma Belle
4118 Hunters Hill Circle
Randallstown, MD 21133

Checks should be made out to Emma Belle, with a notation in the memo line: Bond Family Reunion. Please also signify the specific events you are registering for.

Check out the itinerary tab at the top of the blog for details about the events.

Can’t wait to see you all!!

Hotel ‘Bond Rate’ Deadline & RSVP Count

Greetings Family,

The deadline for the Bond rate of $109 for single and double occupancy rooms is May 20th.  Please note this rate is only applicable for Friday, July 18th through Sunday, July 20th. If you plan to arrive for the welcome reception Thursday evening, the room rate will be slightly higher.

So far nine families have registered for the reunion on our eventbrite page. This is very helpful to the planning committee so please RSVP as soon as possible. We hope that we were able to get the word out to everyone via email but just in case we missed a few, please forward the email along.

Time is ticking so make sure you reserve your room while the discounted rate is still available and register for the reunion here.